» Foreign Language Resources

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Foreign Language Resources

Foreign Language Documents

This page contains many foreign language documents related to the disaster, emergency and health preparedness. These Adobe Acrobat documents may be downloaded and printed. The free Adobe Reader may be downloaded for reading these documents.

NOTE: The documents on this page were created by different agencies in various locations. Contact information in these documents may not be correct for your local area. For emergencies contact your local emergency dispatch center. In the United States, this is usually done by calling 9-1-1.

In accordance with federal regulations, Ada County Emergency Management has developed an ACEM Language Access Plan (sometimes known as a Limited English Proficiency Plan).

ACEM may provide reasonable language assistance free of cost. Contact ACEM at 577-4750 to request language assistance.

ACEM puede proporcionar asistencia lingüística razonable de forma gratuita. Póngase en contacto con ACEM en 577-4750 para solicitar ayuda con el idioma.

The Ada County Emergency Preparedness Guide is available as a separate page where it can be translated into numerous languages using the Google Translate option.

•  27 Things To Help You Survive An Earthquake (Arabic)
•  Anthrax (Arabic)
•  Botulism (Arabic)
•  Chlorine (Arabic)
•  Disaster Kit Checklist (Arabic)
•  Disaster Preparedness for Pets (Arabic)
•  Earthquake Safety Checklist (Arabic)
•  Emergency Plan for People with Disabilities (Arabic)
•  Emergency Preparedness Checklist – 10 Essential Items (Arabic)
•  Emergency Preparedness for Older Americans (Arabic)
•  Emergency Survival Guide (Arabic)
•  Fire Prevention and Safety Checklist (Arabic)
•  Flood Safety Checklist (Arabic)
•  Flu and You (Arabic)
•  Heat Wave Safety (Arabic)
•  Isolation and Quarantine Fact Sheet (Arabic)
•  Landslide Safety (Arabic)
•  Pets and Disaster Safety (Arabic)
•  Plague (Arabic)
•  Power Outage (Arabic)
•  Ricin (Arabic)
•  Sarin (Arabic)
•  Smallpox (Arabic)
•  Taking Care of Your Emotional Health After a Disaster (Arabic)
•  Thunderstorm Safety (Arabic)
•  Tornado Safety Checklist (Arabic)
•  Tsunami Safety Checklist (Arabic)
•  Tularemia (Arabic)
•  Wildfire Safety (Arabic)
•  Winter Storm Safety (Arabic)

•  Emergency Preparedness Kit (Bosnian)
•  Evacuation (Bosnian)
•  Fire Safety (Bosnian)
•  Floods and Flash Floods (Bosnian)
•  Heat Wave (Bosnian)
•  Helping Young Children Cope with Trauma (Bosnian)
•  Lightning and Thunderstorms (Bosnian)
•  Make an Emergency Plan (Bosnian)
•  Pets and Disaster (Bosnian)
•  Shelter-in-Place (Bosnian)
•  What to do in an Emergency, a Checklist (Bosnian)

•  Flu and You (Burmese)

•  27 Things To Help You Survive An Earthquake (Cambodian)
•  Beat the Quake (Cambodian)
•  Disaster Kit Checklist (Cambodian)
•  Earthquake Safety Information (Cambodian)
•  Emergency Supplies Kit (Cambodian)
•  Fire Safety (Cambodian)
•  Helping Young Children Cope With Trauma (Cambodian)
•  Mold & Mildew (Cambodian)

•  27 Things To Help You Survive An Earthquake (Chinese)
•  Create A Disaster Supplies Barrel (Chinese)
•  Disaster Kit Checklist (Chinese)
•  Disaster Preparedness for Older People (Chinese)
•  Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities (Chinese)
•  Disaster Preparedness for Pets (Chinese)
•  Disaster Preparedness For Seniors By Seniors (Chinese)
•  Drop Cover Hold (Chinese)
•  Earthquake Safety (Chinese)
•  Earthquake Safety Checklist (Chinese)
•  Emergency Supplies Kit (Chinese)
•  Family Disaster Planning (Chinese)
•  Family Emergency Plan (Chinese)
•  Flood Safety Checklist (Chinese)
•  Food Safety (Chinese)
•  Food and Water In An Emergency (Chinese)
•  Handwashing (Chinese)
•  Handwashing – Fact Sheet (Chinese)
•  Heat Wave Safety (Chinese)
•  Helping Children Cope With Disaster (Chinese)
•  Helping Young Children Cope With Trauma (Chinese)
•  Landslide Safety (Chinese)
•  Pets and Disaster Safety (Chinese)
•  Power Outage (Chinese)
•  Thunderstorm Safety (Chinese)
•  Tornado Safety Checklist (Chinese)
•  Wildfire Safety (Chinese)
•  Winter Storm Safety (Chinese)
•  Your Family Disaster Supplies Kit (Chinese)

•  Flu and You (Dzongkha)

•   Disaster Preparedness for Pets (French)
•   Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities (French)
•   Earthquake Safety Checklist (French)
•   Emergency Preparedness for Older Americans (French)
•   Emergency Supplies Checklist (French)
•   Family Emergency Communications Plan (French)
•   Flood Safety Checklist (French)
•   Handwashing (French)
•   Heat Wave Safety Checklist (French)
•   Helping Young Children Cope With Trauma (French)
•   Landslide Safety (French)
•   Pets and Disaster Safety (French)
•   Power Outage (French)
•   Thunderstorm Safety (French)
•   Wildfire Safety (French)
•   Winter Storm Safety (French)

•   Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities (Haitian)
•   Disaster Preparedness for Pets (Haitian)
•   Earthquake Safety Checklist (Haitian)
•   Emergency Preparedness for Older Americans (Haitian)
•   Flood Safety Checklist (Haitian)
•   Heat Wave Safety (Haitian)
•   Helping Children Cope With Disaster (Haitian)
•   Landslide Safety Checklist (Haitian)
•   Pets and Disaster Safety (Haitian)
•   Power Outage (Haitian)
•   Thunderstorm Safety Checklist (Haitian)
•   Tornado Safety Checklist (Haitian)
•   Wildfire Safety Checklist (Haitian)
•   Winter Storm Safety Checklist (Haitian)

•  Flu and You (Karen)

•  Flu and You (Nepali)

•  Flu and You (Oromo)

•  Handwashing (Portuguese)
•  Handwashing Fact Sheet (Portuguese)

•  Disaster Kit Checklist (Somali)
•  Flu and You (Somali)

•       American Red Cross in Spanish
•       FEMA in Spanish
•   Ada County Emergency Preparedness Guide (Spanish)
•   27 Things To Help You Survive An Earthquake (Spanish)
•   Anthrax (Spanish)
•   Anthrax Questions & Answers (Spanish)
•   Are You FloodSmart? (Spanish)
•   Are You Ready? (Spanish)
•   Avian Influenza FAQ (Spanish)
•   Be Ready Book (Spanish)
•   Be Red Cross Ready (Spanish)
•   Can You Afford To Lose Everything You Own? (Spanish)
•   Create A Disaster Supplies Barrel (Spanish)
•   Disaster Handbook (Spanish)
•   Disaster Kit Checklist (Spanish)
•   Disaster Preparedness Coloring Book (Spanish)
•   Disaster Preparedness For People With Disabilities (Spanish)
•   Disaster Preparedness For Seniors By Seniors (Spanish)
•   Do You Know What To Do For Fire? (Spanish)
•   Drop Cover Hold (Spanish)
•   Earthquake Preparedness (Spanish)
•   Earthquake Safety (Spanish)
•   Earthquake Safety Information (Spanish)
•   Electrical Blackouts (Spanish)
•   Electrical Storms (Spanish)
•   Emergency Contact Card (Spanish)
•   Emergency Supplies Checklist (Spanish)
•   Emotional Health After A Disaster (Spanish)
•   Family Disaster Preparedness Kit (Spanish)
•   Family Preparedness Guide (Spanish)
•   Fire Safety (Spanish)
•   Flood Safety (Spanish)
•   Food And Water In An Emergency (Spanish)
•   Flu and You (Spanish)
•   Handwashing (Spanish)
•   Handwashing Fact Sheet (Spanish)
•   Hanta Virus Information (Spanish)
•   Hazardous Materials Safety (Spanish)
•   Heat Equation Card (Spanish)
•   Heat Wave (Spanish)
•   Helping Young Children Cope With Trauma (Spanish)
•   Homeowner’s Guide To Earthquake Safety (Spanish)
•   How To Help Children Confront A Disaster (Spanish)
•   Landslide Safety (Spanish)
•   Mold & Mildew (Spanish)
•   Mosquito Protection For Your Pets And Property (Spanish)
•   Personal Disaster Preparedness Guide (Spanish)
•   Personal Protection Against Mosquitos Using Repellents (Spanish)
•   Pets And Disaster (Spanish)
•   Pet Disaster Preparedness (Spanish)
•   Plague Fact Sheet (Spanish)
•   Power Outage (Spanish)
•   Preparedness For Seniors (Spanish)
•   Preparing For Disaster (Spanish)
•   Repairing Your Flooded Home (Spanish)
•   Seasonal Flu Checklist (Spanish)
•   Shelter-In-Place (Spanish)
•   Terrorism, Preparing for the Unexpected (Spanish)
•   Tornado Safety Checklist (Spanish)
•   Volcanic Ashfall, How To Be Prepared (Spanish)
•   Wash Your Hands So You Can Prevent Germs (Spanish)
•   Water and Food in an Emergency (Spanish)
•   West Nile Virus Human Infection (Spanish)
•   When Bad Things Happen (Spanish)
•   Why Do I Feel Like This (Spanish)
•   Wildfires (Spanish)
•   Winter Storm Safety (Spanish)
•   Your Family Disaster Plan (Spanish)

•  27 Things To Help You Survive An Earthquake (Tagalog)
•  Are You Ready For An Earthquake? (Tagalog)
•  Are You Ready For A Fire? (Tagalog)
•  Are You Ready For A Flood? (Tagalog)
•  Are You Ready For A Heat Wave? (Tagalog)
•  Are You Ready For A Thunderstorm? (Tagalog)
•  Are You Ready For A Tornado? (Tagalog)
•  Are You Ready For A Winter Storm? (Tagalog)
•  Beat The Quake (Tagalog)
•  Create A Disaster Supplies Barrel (Tagalog)
•  Disaster Kit Checklist (Tagalog)
•  Disaster Preparedness Coloring Book (Tagalog)
•  Disaster Preparedness for Older People (Tagalog)
•  Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities (Tagalog)
•  Disaster Preparedness for Pets (Tagalog)
•  Disaster Preparedness For Seniors By Seniors (Tagalog)
•  Drop Cover Hold (Tagalog)
•  Earthquake Safety (Tagalog)
•  Earthquake Safety Checklist (Tagalog)
•  Earthquake Safety Information (Tagalog)
•  Flood Safety Checklist (Tagalog)
•  Emergency Supplies Checklist (Tagalog)
•  Food And Water In An Emergency (Tagalog)
•  Heat Wave Safety Checklist (Tagalog)
•  Helping Children Cope With Disaster (Tagalog)
•  Helping Young Children Cope With Trauma (Tagalog)
•  Landslide Safety Checklist (Tagalog)
•  Pets and Disaster Safety Checklist (Tagalog)
•  Power Outage Safety Checklist (Tagalog)
•  Thunderstorm Safety Checklist (Tagalog)
•  Wildfire Safety Checklist (Tagalog)
•  Winter Storm Safety Checklist (Tagalog)
•  Your Family Disaster Plan (Tagalog)
•  Your Family Disaster Supplies Kit (Tagalog)

•     Survive Active Shooter – in Vietnamese
 27 Things To Help You Survive An Earthquake (Vietnamese)
 Are You FloodSmart? (Vietnamese)
 Are You Ready For A Fire? (Vietnamese)
 Are You Ready For A Flash Flood? (Vietnamese)
 Are You Ready For A Heat Wave? (Vietnamese)
 Are You Ready For A Tornado? (Vietnamese)
 Are You Ready For A Winter Storm? (Vietnamese)
 Beat The Quake (Vietnamese)
 Be Ready Book (Vietnamese)
 Create A Disaster Supplies Barrel (Vietnamese)
 Disaster Kit Checklist (Vietnamese)
 Disaster Preparedness Coloring Book (Vietnamese)
 Disaster Preparedness for Older Persons(Vietnamese)
 Disaster Preparedness For People With Disabilities (Vietnamese)
 Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities (Vietnamese)
 Disaster Preparedness for Pets (Vietnamese)
 Disaster Preparedness For Seniors By Seniors (Vietnamese)
 Drop Cover Hold (Vietnamese)
 Earthquake Safety Checklist – ARC (Vietnamese)
 Earthquake Safety Checklist – FEMA (Vietnamese)
 Earthquake Safety Information (Vietnamese)
 Earthquake Supplies Checklist (Vietnamese)
 Flood Safety Checklist (Vietnamese)
 Food And Water In An Emergency (Vietnamese)
 Food And Water In An Emergency Brochure (Vietnamese)
 Handwashing (Vietnamese)
 Heat Wave Safety Checklist (Vietnamese)
 Helping Children Cope With Disaster (Vietnamese)
 Helping Young Children Cope With Trauma (Vietnamese)
 Landslide Safety Checklist (Vietnamese)
 Mold & Mildew (Vietnamese)
 Pets and Disaster (Vietnamese)
 Pets and Disaster Safety Checklist (Vietnamese)
 Power Outage Safety Checklist (Vietnamese)
 Preparing For Disaster (Vietnamese)
 Thunderstorm Safety Checklist (Vietnamese)
 Tornado Safety Checklist (Vietnamese)
 Wildfire Safety Checklist (Vietnamese)
 Winter Storm Safety Checklist (Vietnamese)
 Your Family Disaster Supplies Kit (Vietnamese)