Ada County Landfill
Ada County Landfill
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During FY-2014 the Ada County Landfill had a Waste Stream Analysis Performed for the waste that was being deposited into the North Ravine Cell. Part of the purpose of the analysis was to determine suggestions for waste reduction practices in Ada County. Read the full report here.

During the course of FY 2013 the Ada County Landfill has embarked on and/or completed these projects.

  • One major project included the installation of horizontal pipes in the existing Hidden Hollow Cell. These pipes will be used to extract landfill gas from the landfill that will ultimately be used to power homes. To help with this endeavor the crew received training in pipe fusions.
  • A scrubber will be added to the gas extraction system that will reduce the impurities of the extracted gas to make it a more marketable commodity.
    Learn More:   Download a pdf of the “Ada County Landfill Gas Scrubber – Project Profile
  • Ada County has been managing the County’s municipal solid waste at the landfill since 1972. The majority of the waste has been deposited in the Hidden Hollow Cell. As the Hidden Hollow cell nears capacity, the County has started the process of installing its cap.   Download a pdf of the “Ada County Landfill: Hidden Hollow Cap: Stage 2 – Project Profile
  •  Every day the crew at the Landfill maintains and repairs the vehicles, environmental and operational equipment, and systems.


Ada County Landfill
(208) 577-4725

Project Profile: Ada County Landfill Gas Scrubber
Project Profile: Ada County Landfill: Hidden Hollow Cap: Stage 2