» Master Facilities Plan

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Master Facilities Plan

The Strategic Planning Division developed a Master Facilities Plan as envisioned in the Ada County 2025 Comprehensive Plan in 2017-2018. Since then, the division has been involved in various aspects of its implementation as directed by the Board of Ada County Commissioners and the Development Services Director.

The division also seeks grants through COMPASS for projects which benefit the residents of Ada County. In FY19, the division secured a Project Development Grant to replace the Plantation Island Bridge along the Boise River Greenbelt which had been removed due to flooding. Also in FY19, the division secured a Uniform Planning Work Plan (UPWP) Grant for technical assistance to conduct the planning work necessary to provide public transportation access to existing and future county facilities.

In FY20, the division secured a UPWP Grant to help fund a fiscal impact analysis of the 2050 build-out scenario of Ada County in order to determine the cost of providing services to existing and future residents in Ada County through 2050. This analysis will be incorporated into the Communities in Motion 2050 Plan and will include a tool that will help explain the fiscal impacts of various land use scenarios.

Existing County Facilities Map
Services Provided by Ada County