» Weed Control Services

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Weed Control Services

The Ada County Weed Control Department is available to serve county residents in the fight against noxious weeds.  Our licensed and experienced staff can inspect your property, provide recommendations for managing noxious weeds and explain services and options available to county residents. Request for Service an online assistance form.  To speak with a staff member about a noxious weed issue, call us at (208) 577-4646 or e-mail us at: weedandpest@adacounty.id.gov.

Idaho property owners carry the primary burden of controlling noxious weeds on their land. County Weed Superintendents may only treat noxious weeds on private property if the landowner fails to fully mitigate the situation. In such instances, Ada County will treat the noxious weeds and bill the property owner for the weed control efforts. Please note: Ada County does NOT provide lawn care or insect control services. Contact a local, private company to obtain these services.

The first line of defense in the fight against noxious weeds is locating the infestations.  Next, it is vital to know the history of successful treatment options for these troublesome invasive species.

To effectively and efficiently deal with a noxious weed infestation, Ada County Weed Control staff utilize a process known as mobile mapping. This technology allows our crews to gain instant access to the locations and treatment records of a variety of sites infested with noxious weeds.  While on site, our personnel can digitally map and update information on new or existing infestation sites.

Off Road Weed Control TruckFor an hourly fee, county residents can contract with Ada County Weed Control personnel to manage noxious weed issues on farms and in fields. Our spray trucks and ATVs are equipped for pasture and rangeland weed control.  We can also treat noxious weeds in farmyards, along fence rows, on commercial lots and along ditches and/or dams.

Rageland Weed ControlThe Ada County Weed Control Department monitors and responds to noxious weed infestations found on public lands. Our staff members strive to located and treat small weed infestations on these public lands before they become a more serious threat.

A crucial aspect of our operations is to respond to public complaints and concerns regarding noxious weeds. Our department compliance officers will investigate and follow-up on all weed control issues with both the complainant and the landowner. If and when necessary, county personnel will take appropriate action.

The general public (residents, landowners) can at any time file a formal complaint regarding noxious weeds found within Ada County.  Our weed control staff will gladly evaluate and investigate the complaint.  We will then follow-up with the party who filed the complaint, as well as the legal landowner of the property listed in the complaint.

When necessary, a certified letter will be sent to the property owner as an official notice of the noxious weed issue documented on their property.  Upon notification, the property owner(s) will have five (5) days in which to respond, or the county will handle the issue at the expense of the landowner.

Noxious Weed Free Forage & Straw InspectionThe purpose of the Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) Noxious Weed Free Forage and Straw (NWFFS) Certification Program is to limit the introduction and spread of noxious weeds through forage and straw onto Idaho lands managed by the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

The Ada County Weed Control Department has several state certified weed inspectors who will visit and inspect your forage or straw field before it is harvested. If your commodity passes, our staff will order bale twine or bale tags from the Idaho State Department of Agriculture on your behalf. This will ensure that your products are identified as having passed inspection. A minimal inspection fee is assessed based upon the number of acres inspected, plus additional fees for the bale twine or tags. For further information on this state program, visit the Idaho State Department of Agriculture.

This certification assures that an individual cannot possess, store, or transport non-pelletized hay, straw or mulch on National Forest System Lands without having each individual bale or container tagged or marked as weed-free, or having original and current evidence of weed-free certification documentation present. All markings must meet the State and/or County standards for certification as weed free.

For a field to be certified noxious weed free, it must be inspected by an ISDA certified inspector prior to harvest, but no sooner than ten (10) days BEFORE harvest. There is a fee for the inspection. For further information Weed Free Forage and straw inspection, visit the Idaho State Department of Agriculture page on the state NWFFS program.

Aquatic noxious weeds can severely impact the environment.  Contact our staff to request an inspection for aquatic weed issues and to discuss control options.