» Weed Control FAQ

(Please see https://adawebcp.net/weedpestmosquito for the latest version of this information)

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Weed Control FAQ

Does 2, 4-D kill broadleaf weeds and not grasses?

Yes. Use caution, 2,4-D can affect trees and bushes as well.

Does Round-Up (glyphosate) kiss grasses?

Yes. Round-Up is used to kill all vegetation, but does not have any soil activity.

What should I use if I want to kill grasses, but leave some broad-leaves?

In most cases, you should have a specific recommendation from a licensed consultant. The plants that you want to keep, dictate what chemicals to use and when you should use them.

Does Ada County make recommendations concerning the chemicals used for weed control?

Yes, you can call us and we will be happy to help you decide on a course of action that will help you control weeds. If necessary, we will visit your property, and evaluate the site for potential problems and possible options.

Can Ada County weed control spray my pasture or field for weeds?

Yes, for a fee, we can treat agricultural and rangeland sites at your request.

Can Ada County weed control come out and spray my lawn for weeds?

Typically, we don’t spray residential or ornamental lawns, unless there is a noxious weed outbreak. There are lawn care companies that will perform these services for a fee.

What are the noxious weeds of Idaho?

See the Idaho State Department of Agriculture’s noxious weed control where they have a listing of the weeds and distribution maps.

Do you accept weed control no spray requests

No. If your property includes an ACHD right-of-way and you would like to exclude it from ACHD herbicide applications please contact ACHD at 208-387-6350.