Ada County Sheriff


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Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)


What is PREA?

The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) establishes a zero-tolerance standard against sexual assaults and rapes of inmates.

PREA sets the standard that protects Eighth Amendment rights of federal, state, and local prisoners, making the prevention of sexual assault a top priority.  It also increases available data on such acts.

The Ada County Sheriff’s Office is committed to a zero-tolerance standard and supports the prosecution of persons who commit acts of sexual misconduct and sexual assault in its facility.  The Ada County Sheriff’s Office has developed uniform guidelines and procedures to reduce the risk of in-custody sexual assaults and sexual misconduct.

You can learn more about PREA at the National Prison Rape Elimination Commission website.

View the five years of our annual report on sexual incidents at the Ada County Jail.

PREA Reporting Form

If you were the victim of a sexual assault while in custody, or if you know of an incident that occurred while you were in our facility, we urge you to report it by calling 577-3000 and asking to speak to a jail supervisor.  Your anonymity will be protected.  If you fail to report an incident, you could be found to have acted with deliberate indifference towards the victim’s health and/or safety.  If you file a false report it could result in criminal charges.

All reported incidents will be investigated.