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About Us

A Message From the Ada County Public Defender

As public defenders, our primary responsibilities must always be to put the interests of those we serve above all else.

Representation of indigent persons charged with crime is one of the most important, yet difficult jobs an attorney can undertake.

In the twenty-plus years I have worked at the Ada County Public Defender’s office, it has been an honor and a privilege to see the hard working, dedicated men and women of this office, often against overwhelming odds, labor tirelessly for their clients.

As a public defender, there can be no greater reward than to achieve a positive, life-altering result for a client.

I continue to be humbled to be the leader of this outstanding team of lawyers, investigators, staff, and social workers who make such a positive impact in our community.

Anthony R. Geddes
Public Defender

Public Defender

Our Mission

The mission of the Ada County Public Defender’s Office is to protect and defend the rights of our clients through zealous and compassionate advocacy in our continuing and relentless pursuit of justice for all.