Home > Public Records Request Form

Public Records Request Form

    200 W. Front Street, Boise, Idaho 83702
    Phone: (208) 287-7000 • Fax: (208) 287-7009
  • Note: Idaho Code § 74-113, 115 & 120 permit Ada County to verify requestor's identity for the purpose of: Protecting personal information in compliance with state and federal law, and to ensure this information is NOT for purposes such as mailing/solicitation list or to supplant a discovery procedure.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • Department Requesting Information Form

  • (Contact information and commonly requested topics)
  • (E-mail is generally the preferred method of the County as it's typically more cost effective and timely for both parties; however, if the request involves more than 100 pages, it MUST be picked up in person)
  • Description of Requested Information

  • (Note: Please be VERY specific, this may help reduce request completion time)

Request Receipt & Department Review: Request Completion: Copy & Staff Work Time Fees
Request Recipient Date
Reviewer Date
Reviewer Date
Reviewer Date

Note: Some departments may choose to have multiple reviewers

Request Completed By
Date Completed
Date Requestor Contacted
Notification by:
Mail Phone EMail
Date Request Picked Up or Sent
Pursuit to I.C. § 9-338 & Ada County
Resolution #1933 & 1946______ x $.01 / $.06 = $___________
# Pages Copied > 100 (1 ¢ b/w; 6¢ color) Fee
Records larger than 8.5″x14″: $0.15 per sq. ft gray & white; $2.25 per sq. ft. color.
Alternate medium: Required or requested use of a data medium such as a CD or thumb drive, will require a charge equal to the cost of such medium (first $5.00 waived).

$ x $
Cost of
Quantity Fee

$______________ / per hour
Hourly Rate of Staff Completing Request (First two (2) Hours are FREE of charge)

$ x $
# Hours Worked Rate Fee
Total Cost