» Doing Business with the County

(Please see https://adawebcp.net/procurement for the latest version of this information)

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Doing Business with the County

Helpful Tips on Doing Business

  1. Read bid documents thoroughly and follow all instructions.
  2. Ask questions and clarifications prior to the question deadline. See bid or proposal instructions for more information.
  3. Be sure that documents are signed by an authorized member of the firm or organization. Please provide the legal name of your company.
  4. Submit your bid before the specified due date and time. Ada County will not accept late bids for any reason.
  5. Make sure your bid or proposal page is the first document in your submittal. If a bid/proposal security is required to make sure that it follows behind the bid or proposal page.
  6. Initial in ink all erasures and corrections in bid document prior to submitting.
  7. Acknowledge all addendum(s) on bid or proposal page.
  8. Deliver items as bid or quoted. No substitutions will be accepted.

Ada County Procurement is the only department authorized to procure goods, services or public works on behalf of the county in excess of $1,000. The County is not responsible for orders over $1,000 placed outside of Ada County Procurement.

How Ada County Buys Goods and Services

Ada County buys goods and services on a daily basis. Depending on the dollar threshold of the purchase determines the method in which the office or department buys.


  • If the purchase is less than $1,000 the office or department may buy directly from the vendor
  • If the purchase is more than $1,000 the office or department must submit a requisition for the purchase.If the purchase ranges between $1,000 – $25,000, the office or department should attempt to get three quotes.
  • If the purchase is $25,000 or above, Ada County Procurement will handle the solicitation of the good or service.$50,000 to
    • $1000,000 Informal Process
    • $1000,000+ is a Formal Process

 Solicitation Methods

  • Quotes – offices or departments can solicit quotes up to $25,000
  • Informal Bid – a minimum of 3 bids solicited to vendors, no publication needed
  • Formal Bid – Legal notice in the local paper and published on a website. Detailed Specifications. Low bid wins. Open and awarded in open business meeting
  • Request for Proposal – Best Value Method, the price is one of several criteria to evaluate.
  • Request for Information – inquiry of latest trends and technologies in a vendor community

Public Works

  • Construction
  • Maintenance and Repair