» Procurement FAQ

(Please see https://adawebcp.net/procurement for the latest version of this information)

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Procurement FAQ

Can I contact departments directly to sell my products/services?

Vendors may contact other offices and departments; however, if there is an open solicitation that prohibits this contact, please refrain from doing so during the solicitation process.

Does Ada County give preference to local firms?

While there is an effort to utilize local vendors to the extent possible, there is no local preference law.

Do you have any preferences or set-asides for minority or women-owned business?

Ada County does not have preferences or set-asides for minority or women-owned businesses.

Am I supposed to include State of Idaho sales tax in the bid/rfp price?

It depends on the project and the use. For most commodity type purchases, no. For mixed goods and services there might be. Please contact the State of Idaho Sales Tax Commission for more information.

Do you have some type of list that I can register for to do business with Ada County?

There is a supplier’s registration that vendors can complete. Completing the registration does not guarantee business, or that the vendor will be contacted for future solicitation opportunities. Please frequent  our Bid Page for current solicitations.

How can I find out which services or commodities are currently available for bidding?

Can I be automatically notified of BID opportunities or do I need to keep watching the legal ads Section?

Currently, Ada County Procurement does not have the system resources for automatic notifications.

Where do I send my bid?

Depending on the Instructions, the bids will be hand delivered, mailed or emailed to Ada County Procurement:
Hand Deliver or Mail to:
Ada County Procurement
Ada County Courthouse, 2nd Floor Rm. 2210
200 West Front St.
Boise, ID 83702
Email To: procurement@adacounty.id.gov

How can I set up an office visit?

Contact Ada County Procurement at (208) 287-7123 or procurement@adacounty.id.gov

What is a Pre-Bid/Pre-Proposal conference?

The pre-bid/pre-proposal conference is a vendor’s opportunity to learn more about the project and ask questions pertaining to the administrative and technical requirements.

Who must attend the Pre-Bid/Pre-Proposal Conference if it is mandatory?

Bidders or proposers who plan on submitting a response will need to have a representative of their company attend and sign in at the meeting. Bidders or proposers that do not attend, or do not sign in, and submit a response will be non-responsive.

What about insurance requirements?

Insurance requirements are listed in the bids and proposals within the agreement. Generally speaking, at minimum, Ada County requires $2 M CGL, and Workers Compensation to statutory limits.

What about Bid/Proposal Security requirements?

There are times when a bid or proposal security is required. The security can be in the form of cash, cashier’s check, certified check, or security bond from a qualified surety company.

How can I thank an employee of the Procurement Department for their help?

If you would like to leave a comment to Ada County Procurement, please email to procurement@adacounty.id.gov.

How often does the County hold auctions?

About four times a year. The auction will be held either online or at a local auction house.

Who has authority to sign contracts on behalf of Ada County Government?

Only the Board of Ada County Commissioners has signing authority for the county.

Does Ada County always award to the lowest bidder?

Unless there is an issue with a low bid, Ada County always recommends awarding to the lowest bidder that meets the administrative and technical requirements.

Do you always issue an award?

In most cases yes; however, the Board of Ada County Commissioners reserves the right to reject all bids or proposals.

What types of Contracts do you use?

In short it depends on the service or commodity. Generally speaking for all construction and most services it is a fixed price agreement.

How do I submit a bid or proposal?

The instructions in the bid or proposal packet will explain in detail the procedures.

Are formal solicitation openings public?

Yes, we encourage all participants to attend if they can. If not, the openings are recorded and can be accessed on the Ada County Commissioners Meeting Agenda webpage.

What if I make a mistake?

Each case is likely different and handled on a case-by-case basis.

I submitted a response to a solicitation but wasn’t successful. How can I get feedback on the submittal?

Vendors may request a debrief to learn more about how their bid or proposal faired.

I just received a Purchase Order, what do I do now?

The purchase order is our acceptance of your offer. Please proceed with filling the order as described and deliver to the address on the P.O.

What if I can’t ship the whole order?

Contact the ordering office or department for further instructions. Some accept partial deliveries, others do not.

What is the rule on personal gifts from vendors?

Ada County Procurement will not accept gifts from vendors. Please do not send or drop off any.

What are your normal business hours?

Monday thru Friday 8-5

May I visit County Procurement Staff?

Yes, please call or email to arrange a visit.

Does Ada County charge fees for solicitation documents?

If picked up in hard copy, yes. If downloaded from our website the documents are free of charge.

Can I leave my bid package at the door after hours?

No, do not leave packages at the Courthouse.

What if my bid is late?

Late bids are non-responsive and will not be accepted.

How can I obtain solicitation amendments?

Amendments can be accessed via our bid website or if you are a plan holder that attended a pre-bid meeting you will be emailed the addendum.

How can I obtain a list of plan holders?

Plan holders for each bid or proposal are listed on our bid page under the bid or proposal project.

How long does it take to award a contract resulting from an IFB/RFP?

Informal Bids = 2 weeks
Formal Bids = 1 month
Proposals = 2 months

Do I need to register my business with the County in order to submit a bid or proposal?


Are there qualification requirements in order to submit a bid or proposal?

There might be. The instructions to bidders/proposers will outline the process.

What are the purchasing thresholds?

$5,000 – $50,000 – 3 quotes
$50,000 – $100,000 – Informal Bid Process
$100,000+ – Formal bid Process
Public Works
$50,000 – $200,000 Informal Bid Process
$200,000+ Formal Bid Process

Is parking available at Ada County Procurement?

Yes, the east parking lot offers the first hour free.

How can I get on the County's bid list for construction contracts?

Although the county does not maintain a bidders list for construction contracts, they are publicized on the bid website and in local media.

Do I have to read the entire solicitation package, including all the attachments and fine print?

Yes, read the solicitation documents thoroughly so you understand them and can comply with all the instructions and conditions. Improperly completed bids/proposals may be considered non-responsive. Please submit your bid/proposal well in advance of the deadline because late bids/proposals will be rejected.

Who at Ada County is responsible for purchasing goods and services?

Ada County has decentralized purchasing. Ada County Procurement is responsible for procuring all goods and services required by Ada County Government in excess of $1,000.

Can I attend bid/proposal openings?

Yes, at the dates and times noted in solicitations.  The county will publicly open all timely bids/proposals at the following location:
Board of Ada County Commissioners
Ada County Courthouse
3rd Floor, Commissioners Public Hearing Room
200 W. Front St.
Boise, ID 83702

How can I obtain bid results?

Bid results may be obtained on the Procurement web site under the solicitation. Look for ‘Respondents’ document. Please note that it typically takes a couple hours after opening to update the page with the results.

What should I do if there is a change in my company’s status, such as a change in ownership, business name, address, contact information or Taxpayer Identification Number?

Changes in your business could have an impact on our ability to pay your invoice and obligation to report information to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Please contact Clerk Auditor Recorder at 208-287-6840. You may be asked to generate a new IRS Form W-9.

When will my invoice be paid?

Typically, invoices are paid Net 30. However, if you have questions regarding invoice payment please direct your inquiry to the Clerk Auditor Recorder at 208-287-6840.

Who should I contact at Ada County to obtain information concerning current contracts such as the expiration date and incumbent vendor?

For information regarding current contracts, please refer to the public records request section on the website.

Unable to find your question or answer here?
Please email procurement@adacounty.id.gov or call us (208) 287-7123.