Ada County Landfill
Ada County Landfill
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Odor Management Plan

Landfills smell. It is their Nature. There are a variety of smells at a landfill but most often, the reputation of a landfill is that it stinks. Landfills offer a variety of odors; however, those aromas typically fall into two basic categories: the ‘fresh’ trash smell; or, the landfill gas smell. Both varieties of odors offer distinct differences in the smells and require differing methods for managing them.

Learn More:   Download a pdf of the “Odor Management Plan.

Strategic Plan


The mission of the Ada County Landfill is to manage disposal facilities, enforce county and state codes, and provide reasonably priced and environmentally acceptable methods for solid and hazardous waste reduction and disposal for the citizens of Ada County.
Learn More:   Download a pdf of the “Ada County Landfill’s Strategic Plan


Ada County Landfill
(208) 577-4725


We believe that Ada County residents are entitled to a safe and clean environment, free of contamination from improper disposal of solid and hazardous waste.


The Ada County Landfill is a leader in developing cost-effective, environmentally safe and innovative methods of solid and hazardous waste reduction, collection and disposal.

Major issues and challenges impacting the management of solid waste and household hazardous waste, now and in the future include (not prioritized):

  • That fair rates are assessed for landfill services and monies are raised to meet future obligations.
    Education of the general public about the seriousness of solid and hazardous waste management in a high growth area and making them aware of the latest waste reductions and collection methods available.
  • Development of cost-effective and environmentally safe methods of solid and hazardous waste reduction, collection and disposal.
  • Retention of employees who are trained and kept up to date on the latest innovations to ensure a high level of efficiency critical for the environmental safety of Ada County residents.
  • Guarding against off-site migration of landfill gas, groundwater contamination, and maintenance of state of the art environmental controls.

These represent the broad accomplishments the organization would like to achieve over the next several (3 to 5) years (not in priority order):

  • To build public awareness and education of the benefits of recycling and reusing versus disposal of hazardous and nonhazardous waste.
  • To maintain certification for certain positions and have fully trained and knowledgeable personnel.
  • To meet or exceed federal and state standards for groundwater quality and landfill gas control.
  • To eliminate the illegal disposal of solid and hazardous waste in the county.
  • To create efficiencies in accounting control, reporting activities and solid and hazardous waste management
  • To expand our in-house abilities to monitor groundwater, surface water and air emissions in and around the county landfill.
  • To continue to provide a better working environment for all employees.

2010 – 2015 Objectives and Actions

Following are the organization’s key objectives. Under each, several actions are listed that are planned to achieve the objective.

To reduce the per capita amount of solid and hazardous waste being disposed of by county residents.


  • Divert additional incoming wood waste from the county landfill to the wood recycling contractor though better public education.
  • Divert suitable organic wastes to composting facilities.
  • Review existing curbside recycling programs with the intent to improve these programs.

To conduct public education activities.


  • Set up an on-site tour and education program for schools and civic organizations.
  • Meet with city governments within Ada County for information and educational purposes.

Remediate contaminated groundwater on landfill property.


  • Acquire technology for improving cleanup processes.
  • Accelerate groundwater sampling to monitor cleanup efforts.
  • Implement an improved remediation plan.

Implement a new system for assessing landfill fees from cost-per-cubic yard to cost-per-ton using newly installed scales.


  • Establish a comparison of cubic yards versus pounds per yard to establish a cost basis.
  • Ensure that changing to a cost per ton is fair and equitable across the board to ensure minimal change in rates for disposal at the Ada County landfill.
  • Ensure landfill fees/costs are in line with future development and obligations of meeting public needs in providing waste disposal services.

Develop and implement an on-site landfill master plan.


  • Establish new traffic patterns to coincide with the installation of scales at the landfill.
  • Establish new areas for improved recycling of wood, CRTs and refrigeration units.

Assist Ada County in assessing alternative methods of waste disposal. 


  • Provide expert assistance in cost/benefit analysis of alternative methods of waste disposal/destruction.
  • Evaluate alternative disposal/destruction methods for compatibility and functionality within Ada County.

Implement a new on-site waste screening program.


  • Using on-site personnel, establish a new waste screening process to ensure hazardous wastes are not being landfilled.
  • Provide proper tools, training, and equipment to personnel performing waste screening at the landfill.

Maximize the efficient use of available landfill space.


  • Provide daily input to the landfill contractor on cell construction and space utilization.
  • Implement use of approved alternate daily cover.
  • Frequently review the fill plan with the landfill contractor.

2012 – 2017 Objectives and Actions

Following are the organization’s key objectives that it hopes to achieve over the next 5 years.

  • Evaluate landfill space usage and implement improved procedures and methods for maximizing landfill cell utilization.
  • Establish educational programs for the community to focus on lowering the per capita waste generation rates.
  • Meet and exceed all regulations and maximize the collection and utilization of landfill gas.
  • Continue the education process of landfill staff to ensure the Ada County landfill operates with the best technology and practices regarding space usage, regulatory compliance, landfill gas collection, groundwater monitoring, and household hazardous material disposal.
  • Evaluate innovative and alternative methods of waste disposal options in Ada County.