Ada County Landfill
Ada County Landfill
Home > Landfill Operations > Odor Control

Odor Control

Odor Management Plan

Landfills smell. It is their nature. There are a variety of smells at a landfill but most often, the reputation of a landfill is that it stinks. Landfills offer a variety of odors; however, those aromas typically fall into two basic categories: the ‘fresh’ trash smell; or the landfill gas smell. Both varieties of odors offer distinct differences in the smells and require differing methods for managing them.

Learn More:   Download a pdf of the “Odor Management Plan.”


Odor Report App

This application provides a tool to report the presence or absence of odors, rank the intensity, and provide additional comments. A symbol is placed on the map at the location of the mobile device or computer reporting the odor. When a report is made, landfill weather station data is also recorded including temperature, wind speed/direction, precipitation, dew point barometric pressure, and relative humidity. Historical intensity ratings can be viewed for the previous 7 days.

Make a Comment via the Odor Report App


Download a pdf of the “Odor Control Form,” complete and mail to:

Ada County Landfill
200 West Front Street
Boise, ID 83702

(208) 577-4725 (Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.)

