» Victim Services

(Please see https://adawebcp.net/juvenilecourt for the latest version of this information)

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Victim Services

About Victim Services

ACJCS is committed to responding to the needs of victims in a manner that addresses the harm they have experienced. Our victim services provides the opportunity for victims to participate in the community’s response to crime by becoming and remaining informed, providing input, and, where appropriate and safe, being actively involved in the justice process. The options for participation are discussed with victims through contact with the Prosecuting Attorney’s office or our victim services specialist, allowing victims to make informed choices about how their needs can be most effectively addressed.

Our Mission

To proactively respond to victims in a manner that is restorative and meaningful.

Choices Offered to Victims

Victims who have suffered a financial loss due to their victimization can submit a claim in order to be financially restored.

  • A small number of cases are handled through the ACJCS Diversion Program.  In these few cases, restitution is verified through the victim services specialist.
  • The majority of cases go before a judge, and restitution is ordered by the judge for the offender to pay the victim.  These cases are facilitated by the Ada County Prosecutor’s Office.

If you are a victim and are unsure where your restitution case is being handled, please start by contacting the Ada County Prosecutor at (208) 577-4900.

More information on Restitution Services.

Our victim services specialist can assist victims of juvenile cases diverted from court with the following: understanding the diversion process; writing a victim impact statement; completing restitution loss statements; creating safety plans; referrals to local resources; ensuring the victim has a voice throughout the juvenile’s term of probation; and victim-offender mediation.

Any cases handled by the Ada County Prosecutor are provided victim services through a victim witness coordinator.

Contact Us

Marissa PhotoMarissa Evans
AJCJS Victim Services Specialist
Phone: (208) 287-5626
Email: mevans@adacounty.id.gov

Ada County Prosecutor’s Office phone (208) 577-4900