» For Parents/Forms

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For Parents/Forms

The goal of the juvenile justice system is to deter juveniles from future illegal acts.  Parents are the most important resource in achieving that goal.  Here are a few suggestions on how parents may help their child succeed:

  • Listen to your child.
  • Be consistent with your child.
  • Do not physically or verbally abuse your child.
  • Express love and affection.
  • Create a stable family environment.
  • Agree upon and follow house rules.
  • Discuss problems.
  • Meet your child’s friends and their parents.
  • Get involved in your child’s school.
  • Set a good example yourself.
  • Spend time with your child.
  • Reward positive behaviors.
  • Take care of your own personal problems.
  • Get professional help if necessary.
Parent and Child

As a parent, guardian or custodian of a child whose case is in the Idaho juvenile justice system, you have certain responsibilities:

You have the responsibility to attend all Court Hearings.

You also have a responsibility to the best of your ability to help your child comply with any court-ordered conditions of release from detention or conditions of probation imposed by the Court.

A Juvenile Court may order a parent, guardian or custodian to do certain things. You have a responsibility to abide by any Court Orders directed at you, including bringing your child to Court as directed.

A Juvenile Court may order a parent, guardian or custodian to do any act the Court determines is reasonable and necessary for the welfare of the child. The Court may order you to refrain from certain actions as well. You may also be ordered to pay support for the child if the child is placed out of your home. Additionally, you may be ordered to pay for the cost of treatment programs and restitution to victims of your child’s conduct. If the Juvenile Court appointed an attorney for your child, the Court may order you to reimburse the county for the fees it paid to the attorney.

General Forms:

Social History Interview – Parent Questionnaire (Probation)  

Release for Medical – Dental – Surgical Treatment 

Electronic Monitoring Contract

Weekend Detention Program Forms:

Cover Letter

Health Screen Form

Release for Medical – Dental – Surgical Treatment

Acknowledgment of Requirements – Weekend Detention Program

Boys Council Forms:

Acknowledgment of Requirements – Boys Council