» Weather

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NOAA Weather Radio broadcasts National Weather Service warnings, watches, forecasts and other hazard information 24 hours a day.

On average more than 1500 Americans die from extreme heat each year. Young children; elderly people, especially those who live alone; and those who are sick or overweight are more likely to become victims.

On average, the United States gets 100,00 thunderstorms each year. A severe thunderstorm is defined as having wind of at least 58 mph and/or hail 3/4 of an inch in diameter or larger. Severe thunderstorm wind can gust to more than 100 mph, overturning trailers, unroofing homes, and toppling trees and power lines. Lightning is a major threat during a thunderstorm. In the United States each year around 100 Americans are hit and killed by lightning, while another 500 are injured. In a typical year, lightning will strike the U.S. over 21 million times and will claim more victims than tornadoes or hurricanes.

Tornadoes produce the most violent winds on earth. Tornado winds can approach speeds as high as 300 miles per hour, travel distances over 100 miles and reach heights over 60,000 feet above ground.

Wind storms can cause significant damage over a wide area. In addition to loss of utilities high winds may damage roofs, antennas, and cause heavy branches to fall on vehicles.

Winter storms may be accompanied by strong winds, blizzard-like conditions, and extreme cold. Accumulations of ice and snow can paralyze a community.