» Public Hearing Information

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Public Hearing Information

The Board of County Commissioners and Planning & Zoning Commission meet once a month to review development applications. The applications that require a public hearing are Conditional Use permits, Development Agreements, Planned Communities, Subdivisions, Vacations, Variances, Zoning Map or Text Amendments, and Comprehensive Plan Amendments. All other applications are processed internally by our staff.

On this page you will find links to all public hearing documents, including agendas and hearing packets, a schedule of this year’s public hearings, and information about our planning and zoning commission. If you have any questions regarding upcoming hearings or would like to submit comment regarding an application, please contact our office.

2020 Hearing Schedule

Board of County Commissioners

Hearing Date  Backup Hearing Date*
January 8 22
February 12 26
March 11 25
April 8 22
May 13 27
June 10 24
July 15 29
August 12 26
September 9 23
October 14 28
November 10 18
December 9 16

Planning & Zoning Commission

Hearing Date  Backup Hearing Date*
January 9 23
February 13 27
March 12 26
April 9 23
May 14 28
June 11 24
July 16 30
August 13 27
September 10 24
October 15 29
November 12 19
December 10 17

*Dates reserved for a second public hearing in the month if required. These hearings will not take place unless circumstances necessitate them.

About the Planning and Zoning Commission

Residence Code when Appointed  Current Residence Code
Date Appointed
Christopher Innes 1 1 1/9/2018
Paul Hilding 2 2 11/12/2019
David Cuoio 2 2 2/27/2018
Brenda Blitman 3 2 4/27/2017
Gwendolyn Drake 3 3 11/12/2019
James Burch 3 3 11/12/2019

Residency Codes:

1 = Inside City Limits

2 = Outside City Limits & Inside Area of City Impact

3 = Outside City Limits & Outside of Area Of City Impact, In Ada County

All are three-year terms (Ada County Code 8-7B-2) and are limited to two terms (I.C. 67-6504).