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Public Hearing Notice


December 26, 2018

Contact: Kate McGwire
Public Information Officer


Public Hearing Notice

The two following hearings will be held on January 9, 2018 starting at 6pm in the Commissioners Main Hearing Room #1235, on the first floor, at 200 W. Front Street, Boise, ID 83702

Project # 201802132 CPA-ZC-DA-MSP:  A comprehensive plan map amendment to designate approximately 7.99 acres (generally located between Interstate 84 & Federal Way north of Memory Road) as Industrial on the Future Land Use Map in the Ada County Comprehensive Plan. Along with a zoning ordinance map amendment to rezone approximately 7.99 acres from the Rural Preservation (RP) District to the General Industrial (M2) District with a  development agreement. In addition, the applicant is applying for a master site plan for a storage yard for oversized tractor-trailer hauling units and modular building components (Contractor’s Yard or Shop). The property is located on Federal Way east of Interstate 84 and north of Memory Road in Section 18, T. 2N, R. 3E.

Project #201801053-ZOA. A zoning ordinance text amendment to amend Section 8-1A-1, Section 8-5-3-114, and Table 8-5A-1 of the Ada County Code in order to provide regulations for distributed antenna systems “DAS” and “small cell” wireless telecommunications network systems.

Auxiliary aids or services for persons with disabilities are available upon request.  Please call 208-287-7900 or 208-287-7979 (TDD) by 5:00 p.m. prior to this public hearing so that arrangements can be made.

Planner assigned to project:  Brent Danielson, 208-287-7913.