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Ada County Celebrates National Adoption Day


November 13, 2018

Contact: Kate McGwire
Public Information Officer


Ada County and District Court to Celebrate National Adoption Day on November 16th


(BOISE) – The Ada County Courthouse will take on a different look on Friday, November 16, 2018, when National Adoption Day is celebrated.  Balloons, books, flowers and stuffed animals will decorate the 4th floor as adoptions take place throughout the day.

This day has been set aside to recognize the importance of giving children permanent, safe and loving families through adoption.  This effort, along with similar celebrations in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico offers children the chance to live with stable and loving families and encourages other dedicated individuals to make a powerful difference in the lives of a child through adoption.

The Ada County event is a collaborative effort between the District Court, attorneys, adoption professionals, child welfare agencies and policymakers to finalize adoptions and provide permanent homes for children.

Each participating family will have an individual hearing conducted by Ada County magistrate judge Andrew Ellis to finalize the adoption in the courtroom.  

Since 2013, 38 children in Ada County have had their adoptions finalized on National Adoption Day.  Since 2000, 50,000 children nationwide have had their adoptions finalized on this day. 

WHAT: National Adoption Day

WHEN: November 16, 2018

TIME:  10:30 a.m. – 

WHERE: 4th Floor Ada County Courthouse | 200 W. Front Street Boise 83702