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Assessor's Office Receives Recertification of Excellence in Assessment Administration


October 11, 2018

Contact: Kate McGwire
Public Information Officer


Ada County, Idaho Assessor’s Office Received the Recertification of Excellence in Assessment Administration

from the International Association of Assessing Officers


KANSAS CITY, Mo. – The International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) is pleased to announce that the Ada County, Idaho Assessor’s Office has recertified their Certificate of Excellence in Assessment Administration. Ada County first earned the certificate in 2012, and this required recertification is a demonstration of their continued commitment to best practices.

IAAO’s Certificate of Excellence in Assessment Administration recognizes governmental units and individuals involved with assessment that integrate best practices in the workplace. This challenging and rigorous program is a self-conducted evaluation of adherence to specific, accepted assessment administration and appraisal standards as defined in the IAAO publication Assessment Practices: Self- Evaluation Guide.

This recertification was presented during a ceremony at the IAAO 84th Annual International Conference on Assessment Administration at the Minneapolis Convention Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on September 24, 2018. IAAO’s Certificate of Excellence in Assessment Administration is an important recognition of industry professionals who strive to meet the highest standards in their line of work. It was a great honor for IAAO to present Ada County with this recertification during the annual conference.

IAAO is the leading nonprofit, educational and research association for individuals in the assessment profession and others with an interest in property valuation and taxation. IAAO’s mission is to promote innovation and excellence in property appraisal, assessment administration and property tax policy through professional development, education, research, and technical assistance. IAAO currently serves over 7,000 members worldwide.

For information on IAAO, the conference, or the certificate, visit www.iaao.org or call (816) 701-8100.

To see the official release please click on the attachment below.