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Ada County Helps Youth Fight Opioid Epidemic


August 27, 2018

Contact: Kristi Furman
Interim Public Information Officer


Ada County Helps Youth Fight Opioid Epidemic
The Third Installment in the Series to be Held August 29, 2018
A Mobile “Medication Take-Back” Unit will also be available on site


(Boise, ID) – The third installment of the Ada County Opioid Series focuses on helping the youth in our community battle this epidemic. Make plans to attend this Wednesday, August 29, 2018, at 6:30 p.m.at Ten Mile Christian in Meridian.

Idaho ranked 5th among individuals 12 and older misusing pain relievers in 2015/2016 according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health.  As the statistics continue to climb, the age keeps getting younger and younger.

Fourth Judicial District Judge, Lynn Norton, shared, “According to a 2015 Hazelden Betty Ford Clinic study, a third of the youth responding said opioids are easy to acquire, and almost one-fourth of youth responding said the knowledge that it is illegal to share prescription opioids would not actually stop them from sharing.  Almost one-third of these youth said they knew someone who has overdosed on prescribed pain medication or heroin.  Our youth in the Treasure Valley face the same or even greater pressures from the opioid epidemic that has moved across the nation. We are fortunate to bring drug addiction in our community out of the shadows with this opportunity for a candid discussion with our youth of drug misuse and abuse within our community.”

The purpose of this specific evening is to protect our kids from the consequences of opioid abuse by making them aware of how susceptible we all are; help those who are addicted by giving them resources for support and recovery; and empower parents and friends to get involved and teach them what to look for when it comes to opioid abuse.

Speakers include Meridian Police Officer and Mountain View School Resource Officer, David Gomez, Detective Chris Bones and Detective/DEA TDS Task Force Officer Justin Wright with the Ada County Sheriff’s Office, and a youth awareness panel that includes youth in recovery. The evening will conclude with a survivor story of hope. Before and after the speaker segment, exhibit booths will be sharing information and available resources.

This series was purposefully scheduled at this time to coincide with ‘back to school.’ Parents, teachers, administrators, students, friends and family members will all benefit from this event. There is no age limit for attendees. Together, armed with knowledge and resources, we have a fighting chance to stop this crisis.

WHAT:             Ada County Opioid Crisis Series 3

WHEN:            Wednesday, August 29, 2018

WHERE:          Ten Mile Christian Church | 3500 W. Franklin Rd, Meridian 83642

TIME:              Doors open at 6:00 p.m.

                          5:00-7:00 p.m. Mobile "Medication Take-Back" Unit (in parking lot)

                          6:30-7:00 p.m. Community Support Exhibit Booths

7:00-8:30 p.m. Speakers and Panelists

8:30-9:00 p.m. Community Support Exhibit Booths

INFO:             www.adacounty.id.gov

CONTACT:       Marreen Baker Burton at (208) 287-7670 or mbakerburton@adaweb.net