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Ada County Commissioners Adopt FY19 Budget


August 21, 2018

Contact: Kristi Furman
Interim Public Information Officer


Ada County Commissioners Adopt FY19 Budget

(Boise, ID) – The Board of Ada County Commissioners (BOCC) adopted the Fiscal Year 2018-19 (FY19) budget by Resolution No. 2342 this morning.

We began the process for this year’s budget back in March, and today’s action is pretty much the conclusion of the whole process. One of the highlights of this process was the four days of Budget Presentations in June where the public was invited, and this was the first year in which we streamed them.  From my perspective, it was probably one of the best presentations you’ve had during my tenure at the County – the departments really came and did a nice job,” stated Chris Rich, Clerk of the Fourth District Court.

Reflecting on the budget before the Commissioners, Chairman Dave Case stated, “There are a lot of needs the County has. I think the County moving forward, as exhibited by the Master Facilities Plan, has a long way to go. You cannot continue, as has been done in the past, to kick the can down the road.  Tough decisions have to be made. The hard work has been put into this budget, as warranted, and I will support it.”

The BOCC approved the balanced budget, along with Pest, Mosquito, EMS and Avimor (via separate resolutions) amounting to a grand total budget of $280,975,473.

A breakdown of the adopted budget resolution is available at https://bit.ly/2nVoOvt

The full budget document is available on the Clerk’s webpage at: http://adawebcp.net/clerk/BudgetFinance