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West Nile Virus Detected in Ada County


August 7, 2018

Contact: Kristi Furman
Interim Public Information Officer


West Nile Virus Detected in Ada County


(Boise, ID) Ada County Mosquito Abatement District has confirmed the presence of West Nile virus (WNV) in mosquito populations for the first time in Ada County this year.  Two pools of mosquitoes tested positive for the virus. The positive detections came from mosquitoes trapped in Garden City near the cross streets of W. Riverside Drive and Lakemont Lane, and also in East Boise near the cross streets of Bown Crossing and Parkcenter Way. 

The detections have prompted truck-mounted mosquito abatement treatments in the areas surrounding the detection sites in an effort to prevent human cases of WNV. The abatement district will continue to monitor and treat populations in the affected areas, as well as throughout the abatement district boundaries to prevent and control mosquito populations that could potentially vector WNV to humans and livestock.

In 2017, the county’s first positive WNV test pool occurred on July 14.  Between May and September last summer, the abatement district identified 73 positive test pools and trapped more than 61,000 mosquitoes countywide.  About 68 percent of the trappings were identified as Culex tarsalis and Culex pipiens, mosquito vector species known to carry WNV.

The public can also play an important role in preventing the spread of West Nile Virus. To help prevent the spread of West Nile virus:

  • Drain or dump standing water weekly. For example, dump standing water from flowerpots, planter bases, bird baths, toys, cans, rain gutters, pet dishes, buckets, and old tires. 
  • Ensure that screen doors and windows are tight-fitting and in good condition.
  • Avoid overwatering your lawn and landscape.  
  • Limit outdoor activities during dusk and dawn to prevent mosquito bites. Those are the times when the mosquitoes that transmit WNV are most active.
  • Dress in long sleeve shirts and long pants, preferably in light colors.
  • Apply insect repellent following label instructions.

To see where WNV has been found in Ada County in 2018, visit:

http://adawebcp.net/Mosquito-Abatement, and click on the Mosquito Tracker.

For additional information on WNV and Ada County mosquito control efforts, visit the Ada County Mosquito Abatement District website. 

To report a mosquito issue, call 208-577-4646, or e-mail the district at: weedandpest@adaweb.net.