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Ada County Officials Announce the Reopening of the Greenbelt Penitentiary Canal Pathway Segment


July 26, 2018

Contact: Kate McGwire
Public Information Officer


Ada County Officials Announce the Reopening of the Greenbelt Penitentiary Canal Pathway Segment

(Boise, ID) – The long-awaited reopening of the Greenbelt Penitentiary Canal Pathway Segment was announced by Ada County officials on Thursday. All signage and barricades were pulled late Wednesday afternoon as final preparations were made to ready the improved pathway segment for eager Greenbelt users.

Ada County staff will oversee the final pathway shouldering which is being done primarily using hand tools and crews of 10-20 individuals at a time.  The shouldering work will continue to be performed while the pathway is open to the public and users are encouraged to be aware and use caution around the crews throughout the weekend.

Board Chairman, Dave Case, stated, “While the County encountered unexpected construction delays with this project, the Board of County Commissioners couldn’t be more pleased with the final pathway improvements.  Ada County’s Parks and Waterways and Operations staff have gone above and beyond to overcome unanticipated challenges on this project and we are now ready to open it up for the enjoyment of all.

A formal re-opening ceremony is anticipated to be scheduled in the coming week.

The Board of County Commissioners welcomes all users to come and enjoy this improved Greenbelt segment.