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Property Assessment & Tax Exemption Appeal Deadline is June 25th!


June 1, 2018

Contact: Kate McGwire
Public Information Officer


June 25th – Deadline to File Appeals for Property Assessments & Tax Exemptions

(Boise, ID) –The Ada County Assessor’s Office has mailed out the 2018 property assessment notices.

If you have questions or concerns about your property assessment, you should first contact your appraiser. Their name and number is on your assessment notice in the upper right hand corner. Many times, issues can be resolved through an informal conversation.

If you can’t reach an agreement with your appraiser, the next option is to file an appeal in writing with the Ada County Board of Equalization (BOE).

The deadline to appeal Ada County property valuation assessments and property tax exemption decisions is Monday, June 25th by 5:00 PM. In keeping with Idaho Code § 63-501A, only the taxpayer, who is deemed to be the record owner of the property, may file an appeal.

Additionally, property owners who disagree with their property tax exemption eligibility decision, made by the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) earlier this year, may submit an appeal to the BOE by June 25, 2018 at 5:00PM. Property tax exemption questions should be directed to the BOE at (208) 287-7000

Pursuant to Idaho Statute, Board of Equalization hearings will be conducted June 26- July 9, 2018. To meet the timelines, hearing dates are scheduled as applications are received and processed, and cannot be changed.

If an applicant waits to file until June 25th, their hearing could be as early as June 27th.  Applicants are strongly encouraged to file early. This gives applicants more time to prepare their case.  If someone is unable to attend their hearing at the date and time scheduled, they may submit additional documentation at least one business day ahead of the hearing, and the appeal will be considered on the written documentation. Once you have submitted your appeal, it’s strongly recommended that you contact the Ada County Commissioners’ Office at (208) 287-7000 to confirm your hearing date and time.

Required appeal forms and instructions for both of the above, are available on the Ada County Commissioners’ & Assessor’s websites at www.adacounty.id.gov or via the links below.  


Property Assessment Appeal Form & Instructions

Property Tax Exemption Appeal Details & Form