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Unmanned Aircraft Proposed Ordinance Public Hearing Notice


May 14, 2018

Contact: Kate McGwire
Public Information Officer




(Boise, ID) –The Board of Ada County Commissioners will be holding a public hearing on Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at 9 AM to consider Ordinance No. 833 that would amend Ada County code to include a new section for unmanned aircraft. This public hearing will occur during the Open Business Meeting in the Commissioners’ conference room on the 3rd floor of the Ada County Courthouse.

The attached ordinance would amend Title 5, Chapter 4 Offenses Code to add a new section (“Unmanned Aircraft”) to protect the safety and privacy of Ada County residents regarding the use of unmanned aircraft within Ada County.

The purpose of this ordinance is not to preempt the Federal Aviation Administration regulations (FARs), but to operate in conjunction with those rules to promote public safety and welfare of Ada County and its residents while reorganizing the FAAs enforcement capabilities.

The ordinance requires a 2/3 majority vote to pass.

To view the ordinance online go the Meeting Agendas link on the Commissioners webpage http://adawebcp.net/Commissioners/Ada-County-Meeting-Agendas

Anyone wishing to testify about this ordinance is welcome to attend the public hearing. You will be asked to state your name and address for the record.

WHAT: Board of Ada County Commissioners Public Hearing

WHEN: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 | 9 AM

WHERE: Commissioner’s Conference Room | 3rd Floor Ada Co. Courthouse | 200 W. Front St. Boise

WHY: Unmanned Aircraft proposed ordinance

WHO: Open to the public