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Plantation Island Update


February 20, 2018

Contact: Jan Johns
Executive Director


(We're sharing this for our community partner, Idaho Foundation for  Parks and Lands)



Idaho Foundation for Parks and Lands

5657 Warm Springs Ave · Boise ID 83716 · 208-344-7141


Last year’s flood event on the Boise River dramatically affected the concrete abutment of the Greenbelt Bridge on the Plantation Island owned by the Idaho Foundation for Parks and Lands (Idaho Foundation). With the possibility of a failure of the abutment and at the urging of the Ada County Highway District, Ada County and the Idaho Foundation removed the bridge to prevent greater damage should it fall into the water.

Since that time the Idaho Foundation has applied for FEMA funding to restore the bridge and pathway. The Idaho Foundation Board members have met several times with FEMA representatives which included a walkabout on Plantation Island.

River Structures Consulting has conducted a preliminary inspection report of the bridge which concludes that the bridge superstructure appears to be in good condition. Further inspection of the structure will be needed. The report also confirmed that the east approach to the bridge has experienced significant scour and that a significant portion of the pathway has been undermined or washed away.

Both bridge abutments will need to be underpinned by pumping grout or concrete into the void beneath the footings and the embankments need to be repaired and armored with riprap.

The Idaho Foundation is diligently working with its partners and waiting for a response from FEMA regarding approval of the funding request.