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Public invited to a conversation on Growth

Ada County to Hold Growth Conversation with the Public
Interactive event to feature national experts on effective planning strategies

BOISE – Unprecedented growth in Ada County is one of the most prominent subjects of discussion among both the public, and policymakers throughout Idaho. Significant growth will continue in the next ten to twenty years, in some cases doubling the size of what are now relatively small Ada County cities.

The Board of Ada County Commissioners is holding a public conversation with Ada County residents Wednesday October 16, 2019 from 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM at Expo Idaho. The interactive event will feature presentations from local and national experts on how to plan for continued growth in a fiscally responsible way that protects our quality of life.

“For those of us who were born and raised in Idaho, the growth we have seen in the last ten years has been breathtaking,” said Ada County Commissioner Diana Lachiondo. “While we cannot stop growth, we can plan in a fiscally responsible manner and work to retain our agricultural heritage and the open spaces we all love. This public conversation allows us to share the best information we have and hear from our community members on how they envision the future.”

Please join us Wednesday October 16, 2019 from 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM at Expo Idaho for a Public Conversation on Coordinated Growth in Ada County. Parking is free.

5:00-5:15 pm Introduction by Ada County Commissioner Diana Lachiondo

5:15-5:30 pm Public Survey Responses to Growth in the Treasure Valley

5:30-5:45 pm Services Provided by Ada County

5:45-6:00 pm The Fiscal Realities of Growth

6:00-6:15 pm A Toolbox for Fiscally Responsible Growth

6:15-7:00 pm Small-group discussions, questions and answers, and next steps

For more information on the event, including a list of presenters – visit our website at adacounty.id.gov