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Ada County FY19 Tentative Budget Adoption Tabled to August 6th


July 30, 2018

Contact: Kristi Furman
Interim Public Information Officer

Ada County’s FY19 Tentative Budget Adoption Tabled to August 6th

(Boise, ID) – Due to an unavoidable scheduling conflict, the adoption of Ada County’s FY19 tentative budgets will be tabled to Monday, August 6, 2018.

The Ada County Board of County Commissioners was slated to consider adoption of Ada County’s FY19 Budget during tomorrow’s Open Business Meeting. The Board of County Commissioners has a statutory deadline by which to adopt the tentative budgets (on or before the 1st Monday in August.)

Ada County’s FY19 Tentative Budget is available online at Current Budgets

The Board of County Commissioners’ agendas is available at Meeting Agendas