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Penitentiary Canal Greenbelt Pathway Update


July 17, 2018

Contact: Kate McGwire
Public Information Officer


Penitentiary Canal Greenbelt Pathway Update

(Boise, ID) –During this morning’s Open Business Meeting the Ada County Board of Commissioners held a Public Hearing in which they voted unanimously to pass Resolution No. 2333 to proceed with a sole source procurement process to complete the necessary repairs to the Penitentiary Canal Greenbelt Pathway. Pending contract signatures, repairs will begin this Friday, July 20th.  

The Board’s top priority is to ensure this pathway segment is safe for public use and this project is completed according to Ada County standards. We appreciate the public’s patience and respect for all pathway closures while repairs to the damaged asphalt surface are performed. 

Ada County officials are eager to reopen this segment of the Greenbelt Pathway for all users to enjoy during this beautiful summer weather.  We’re getting close!