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Applying for a Hardship

Application for Cancellation or Reduction of Property Taxes

This application can be filled out online We encourage you to type the application online and then print the application.

Notice: Once you begin filling out an application, you cannot leave that page or you will lose any information you’ve typed into the application. You CANNOT SAVE this information or the application on your computer. Once you complete the application and proof it for accuracy, print it and bring it with you to the interview.

  • Fill out the application completely
  • Proof it for accuracy
  • Print and sign it
  • Mail or deliver the completed form to Ada County Indigent Services
  • Your information will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their decision

You CANNOT Submit your application online!  You must print the completed application, sign it and file it with Ada County Indigent Services at 252 E. Front St., Suite 199, Boise, Idaho 83702.

If you fill out the application in your own handwriting, please use black or blue ink. Applications filled out with pencil or ink color other than black or blue will not be accepted.


  • Requests to cancel your property taxes, or
  • Requests to reduce your property taxes

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Application For Cancelation or Reduction of Property Taxes