Ada County Sheriff

» Public Records Request

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Public Records Request

The Idaho Public Records Law gives you the right to request any document or electronic record created and maintained by the Ada County Sheriff’s Office, but there are restrictions on what information can be released.

Law enforcement records are different than other public records:

  • Any open, ongoing investigation must be completed before any records about the incident can be released.
  • Victim and witness personal information must be protected. Names and addresses will be removed from all released reports.
  • Release of information must not jeopardize a person’s right to a fair trial.

Idaho law restricts release of some types of information. For example, records about matters that are under investigation or that show law enforcement investigative techniques cannot be disclosed. In general, inmates and former inmates cannot received records about themselves.

For more details, check Idaho Code.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I request public records?

You may complete an online request or fill out a written request and mail or bring it to the Ada County Sheriff’s Office Public Safety Information Center at 7200 Barrister, Boise, Idaho. Be very specific about the information you are requesting. If it is a record on an individual, complete names are required with dates of birth to insure that the right record is provided. Idaho law allows 3 to 10 business days for the Sheriff’s Office to respond to your request. There may be a charge for this service.

Will I be charged for copies of the information I request?

The Ada County Sheriff’s Office has a fee schedule for larger records requests. You will be notified what cost, if any, you would be required to pay. For more details, see Idaho Statute 74-102.

Are there any restrictions on how I can use the information I receive?

Generally, usage for any type of mailing, electronic or telephone list is against the law. For more details, see Idaho Statute 74-120.

How long will it take to get the records I request?

It usually takes 3 – 10 business days from the receipt of your request to receive your records.For more details, see Idaho Statute 74-103.

How will I know if my request has been granted or denied?

If your public information request is approved, the requested documents will be released to you by way of the delivery method specified on your request. If your request is denied, you will receive a letter explaining the reason for the denial.For more details, see Idaho Statute 74-103.

Can I protest (appeal) if my request is denied?

Yes. A petition must be filed within 180 days of the date that the denial letter is mailed. For more details, see Idaho Statute 74-115.

How do I get a copy of a traffic accident report?

Completed traffic accident reports are released to individuals involved in the accident upon request, as long as the accident did not involve serious injury or death, which would require further investigation.

How do I request a background check on someone?

The Ada County Sheriff’s Office does not provide background checks for the public.

If you want to check the criminal record of a new employee or someone who may be in contact with children or if you have concerns about a person’s past, you can request a statewide background check. These are done through the Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI). BCI’s address and phone number are as follows.

700 S. Stratford Dr, Meridian, ID 83642
(208) 884-7130

Can I get a copy of someone's arrest record?

We are only able to provide an individual’s arrest history in Ada County for persons who have been booked into the Ada County jail. If you need an arrest record for someone who has been jailed in another part of the state, we are not able to provide that information.

If you have other questions or need additional information, you can contact us at (208) 577-3012 or