Ada County Sheriff

» Sheriff’s Youth Foundation

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Sheriff’s Youth Foundation

The Ada County Sheriff’s Youth Foundation provides opportunities for at-risk youth to participate in pro-social activities of their choice as a preventive to drug and alcohol abuse and gang involvement. It costs $45,000 a year to incarcerate a juvenile. It costs $480 annually to provide at-risk youth positive activities as alternatives to delinquent behaviors.

In 2006-2007, the Youth Foundation served 275 at-risk youth. Students who participated in Youth Foundation activities showed significant improvement in their grades, school attendance and self-confidence.

  • 71% improved their academic performance
  • 84% improved their attendance
  • 85% improved their self-confidence

Statistics show that youth who participate in after-school activities are less likely to skip class, use marijuana and other drugs, smoke, drink alcohol or engage in sexual activity.


In addition to suppressing criminal activity, ACSO also recognizes the critical need for prevention and early intervention. In 1999, Sheriff Vaughn Killeen, now retired, created this foundation based on his belief that crime prevention programs focused on youth are the key to developing safer communities.

In the year 2000, the “Youth” license plate was created as part of Idaho’s commitment to Attorney General Colin Powell’s “America’s Promise.” This statewide initiative allows proceeds from the sale of the license plates to go to the county Sheriff for use in implementing prevention and early intervention activities for Idaho’s at-risk youth

How We Are Funded

Our funding comes from two main sources, first the sale of the Youth License plate state wide. The second source of funding is through major sponsors/donations.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Youth Foundation

How can I buy a Youth license plate?

Go to your local Department of Motor Vehicles and ask for the “Youth” plate. On the specialty plate application check the “Youth” box. Or online, go to the Idaho Transportation Department specialty plates page and follow the directions.

100% of the money generated by the Youth plates goes to at-risk youth and programs that offer these youth activities during non-school hours to help prevent drug and alcohol abuse and gang activity.

2008-2010 Grant Awards
Big Brother Big Sisters $13,500
Women’s and Children’s Alliance $10,000
The Landing Community Center $5,000
Whitney Elementary – youth athletic program $3,000
Project Patch $2,000


Do you have other questions? Contact Andrea Dearden at (208) 577-3318 or email