Ada County Sheriff

» Crimes Against People

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Sheriff Raney’s update on Cartwright Road homicide case

Ada County Sheriff Gary Raney has some new details to share about the Cartwright Road homicide case. While the homicide investigation is still very much ongoing — and detectives are working around the clock to gather every piece of evidence and any possible information to help determine exactly what happened — there have been continuing

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Update: Task force has finished investigation into suicide of 37-year-old man during Internet enticement arrest

A multi-agency task  force has concluded their investigation of the Jan. 7 incident where a 37-year-old Meridian man killed himself during an Internet enticement operation. Officials with the Ada County Coroner’s office determined Kirk Wilkinson committed suicide when he shot himself in the head on Jan. 7 — a conclusion supported by investigators with the multi-agency critical incident task

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45-year-old Portland man charged with felony malicious harassment

A 45-year-old Portland man who threatened to kill a 6-year-old boy on a Greyhound Bus because of the boy’s Hispanic heritage is charged with felony malicious harassment. James E. Brennan is also charged with misdemeanor counts of assault, battery, and disorderly conduct during the same bus trip. Witnesses say Brennan threatened to kill three different

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27-year-old Boise man arrested on a lewd conduct charge

A 27-year-old Boise man who tried to have sex with teenage girl he met over the internet is charged with lewd conduct. Ada County Sheriff’s deputies arrested Richard A. Harshman early Monday morning — hours after the girl ran away from his south Boise home and went to a nearby house to get away. Deputies began

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Detectives continue to investigate road rage/shooting case

Detectives are still investigating what led to a 55-year-old man being shot in the leg Wednesday night at a drug store parking lot near southwest Boise. It appears the shooting was the result of a traffic dispute between people in two different pickup trucks. Detectives continue to collect evidence and talk to witnesses about what

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