Ada County Sheriff

» Health Services

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Health Services

The purpose of Health Services is to provide quality essential healthcare services in the Ada County Jail.  We achieve this by making healthcare
accessible to all, rendering services in a timely manner, promoting community networking and continuing education for our staff, providing patient education, while focusing on the priorities of the Jail and Court Services Bureau:  safety of staff; security of facility; inmate well-being; and meeting or exceeding our stakeholders’ expectations.

Did you know?

  • The Ada County Jail has an on-site medical facility staffed by licensed healthcare professionals. It operates 24/7 as a unit of the jail.
  • We have full-time mental health providers to address the critical mental health needs of our inmates.
  • Emergency dental care is available.
  • The Ada County Jail has housing specifically designed for inmates requiring a higher level of medical or mental health care and cannot be housed in the general population.

Important FAQs

How do inmates access healthcare?

Inmates can request to be seen by a member of our medical staff by submitting a Medical Request Form. Forms are available in all housing areas. They are picked up and delivered to medical staff daily.

If someone who is on prescription drugs is taken into custody, how is he able to receive the medication?

Whenever possible, to increase continuity of care and ensure quality control, inmates’ personal medications will be replaced with medications from our contract pharmacy.

Is there a charge for medical services?

Inmates may be charged a $5.00 co-pay for some medical and/or mental health services they receive.

Our health care providers work hard to meet the needs of our patients. Our treatment plans are based on community best practice while also recognizing the security issues unique to a correctional setting. We are committed to providing the best care while also ensuring the safety and security of patients and staff.

We hire nurses! For more information, check  health services careers.