Ada County Sheriff

» Sheriff Gary Raney to retire in June

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Sheriff Gary Raney to retire in June

After spending over three decades serving the people of Ada County, Sheriff Gary Raney announced Thursday that he is retiring at the end of June.

There will be more to come in the days ahead as we celebrate the career of Sheriff Raney but we wanted to share the letter he sent to the Ada County Board of Commissioners earlier today.

Board of County Commissioners

Ada County

200 W. Front Street

Boise, ID 83702

Dear Commissioners:

Looking back I cannot imagine a more fulfilling career than the one I have had. Since 1983 I have been given many opportunities and worked alongside truly dedicated and honorable men and women, all culminating in the last ten years that I have been honored to serve as sheriff. When I first took office I said that when the day came that I thought I had achieved what I set out to do I would move on to the next challenge. No leader, and certainly no elected official, should stay too long. The Ada County Sheriff’s Office has grown into a nationally-recognized organization that is both innovative and accountable. We have quietly led the nation, and sometimes even the world, in the way we manage our jail. We take pride in being told that we do not act like a government organization. I have accomplished what I set out to do and, therefore, I am writing to give you notice of my retirement effective June 30, 2015.

Upon my retirement I encourage the Republican Central Committee to recommend, and then you to appoint, Captain Stephen Bartlett as the next sheriff. Aside from Major Ron Freeman, who is not seeking the appointment, there is no more qualified person than Captain Bartlett. He has proven his leadership, he knows what to do and he is ready to take charge of the years ahead and continue the great legacy of the Ada County Sheriff’s Office.

After my retirement as sheriff I will begin to work with the US Department of Justice, helping guide law enforcement agencies that need assistance solving problems. I have always considered myself a problem solver and this position will allow me to tackle important issues all across the nation. It is a rare opportunity and I am thrilled.

Lastly, I want to take this opportunity to thank the men and women who have made the Sheriff’s Office what it is today. I may set the policy or direction, but they deserve the accolades because really it’s that one deputy who takes the extra time with a victim, or goes out of his or her way to help someone in need, that makes all the difference in the world. I am proud of each and every one of them for keeping our county safe and making this a great place to live.



Ada County Sheriff