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» Kuna teenagers responsible for vandalism, multiple vehicle break-ins

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Kuna teenagers responsible for vandalism, multiple vehicle break-ins

The same three teenage boys who sprayed a fire extinguisher into and on cars in Kuna earlier this month are also responsible for dozens of vehicle break-ins. 10269066_752819148073691_8493259273229234208_o

The boys, two 16-year-olds and a 15-year-old, also stole a pickup truck and a car earlier this month — eventually driving the car off a cliff at Kuna Butte.

All three teens are charged with malicious injury to property, burglary, and grand theft. They are being held at the Ada County Juvenile Detention Center.

Almost every car the boys broke into, vandalized, or stole was unlocked.

People can drastically minimize their chances of being a victim of those kinds of crimes if they make sure to lock their homes and cars (and trucks or any other vehicle) — 10273330_752819208073685_7458806215343569396_oespecially at night.

The boys admitted to “jockeyboxing” in the Crimson Point neighborhood by Ardell, Ten Mile, and Deer Flat roads in early May. That means they walked though neighborhoods and tried to open car doors. If the cars were open, the boys would take whatever was inside they could fit into their pockets.

The boys also went into garages that were left open and took whatever they could carry. It appears there are dozens of victims. Among the items reported stolen from cars were a wedding ring and a laptop.

The boys are also suspects in several other car burglary cases in other Kuna neighborhoods earlier this spring.

The boys stole the car and truck the night of May 9 while “jockeyboxing.” Two of the boys later admitted to being under the influence of psychedelic mushrooms at the time.

That was the same night they sprayed a fire extinguisher in or on three parked cars, causing hundreds of dollars in damages.

The boys stole a fire extinguisher from a boat parked off Sienna Creek Street late that night. They sprayed it on two cars in that neighborhood and another on S. School Street a short time later. 10390298_752819184740354_1308212608446285838_n