Ada County Sheriff

» K9

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The Ada County Sheriff’s Office has some of the best detection K9’s in the state of Idaho. ACSO K9 teams have won awards in competitions around the Northwest including first place finishes in drug detection, bomb detection and the team shooting contests in the Idaho Police Canine Association’s annual competition. The year before, ACSO K-9 teams earned first and second place prizes in the detection competition.

How We Help the Community

Drug Interdiction/Response to Other Agencies’ Calls for Assistance

Our K9 teams know no boundaries. We respond wherever we are needed. The Sheriff’s K9 program is dedicated to assisting any agency that is in need of our skills. We commonly search homes, businesses and vehicles for federal, state, county, and city agencies. The K9 unit also works closely with the Ada Metro Narcotics Task Force and acts as a liaison between the Narcotics Unit and patrol teams.

Assisting School Administrators and Teachers

Our K9 Teams are often called on to search lockers, bags and vehicles at public and private schools throughout Ada County. The dogs can be used to detect drugs, drug paraphernalia along with guns and ammunition. A simple request is all it takes – the ACSO K9 Team will respond with multiple dogs to help keep Ada County’s schools a safe learning environment. The teams love going to schools just for fun, too. The dogs love to show off their skills during demonstrations.

Helping Parents and Families

Our dedication to the community includes a willingness to help concerned parents that would like their homes or vehicles “sniffed” for illegal drugs. The K9 teams can also help parents by educating them on current drug trends, drug identification and where to find effective drug counseling.

Partnering with Business Owners

The Sheriff’s K9 Unit assists business owners with narcotics detection in the common areas of their company. We support efforts to maintain drug free programs in the workplace. Our dogs are also called on to check rental homes and vehicles after tenants have moved out.

We are here to help!

If you would like to arrange for a K-9 team to sniff out your home or business or if you would like to schedule a demonstration for your school or business, call the Ada County Sheriff’s Patrol Division at 208 577-3700. Most requests for a K9 response can be handled immediately or you can schedule a date and time to meet with a team.