Ada County Sheriff

» Hiring Process

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Hiring Process

This is a general outline of the process the Ada County Sheriff’s Office uses in evaluating potential new employees:

Preliminary applications review

Once we have received your application and other required materials, they are thoroughly reviewed. All submitted applications are reviewed for consideration.

Physical Agility Test and Written Pre-Employment Examination

Those applying for positions that require a physical agility test and/or written examination will be notified via phone, mail or email. The physical agility test consists of five events and is only required for the commissioned deputy positions.

Those who pass the tests and are approved to proceed in the hiring process are called and an interview is arranged. Those not approved to proceed receive a notification in the mail.

Oral Interview Board

This interview, which typically lasts 30-45 minutes, gives us a chance to meet the person behind the application and to better familiarize you with the steps being taken to fill a particular position. One to three people conduct interviews for every position. The same interview questions are asked of all applicants for the same position.
After oral interviews are completed, applicants are again graded. The oral interview score and written examination score are combined into an aggregate score. The aggregate scores are then ranked.

Depending on the circumstances, top candidate(s) are sent a Conditional Offer of Employment (Note: this is NOT a final job offer). Candidates who are not selected are also notified of the final outcome of the application process.

Conditional Offer of Employment

Applicants receiving a conditional offer must complete a Personal History Statement and agree to undergo a series of evaluations, including (in sequential order):

  • Criminal Records Check, where we review the applicant’s criminal history.
  • Polygraph Examination, where applicants are asked to undergo a polygraph examination by a certified polygraph examiner on our staff. After the polygraph session is completed, the examiner writes up a report which is later reviewed.
  • Credit Check Background Investigation, in which a background investigator will do further research and conduct some interviews about the applicant. Once this is completed, the investigator writes up a report which is later reviewed.
  • Psychological Evaluation (Deputy positions only), performed by an examiner used by the Ada County Sheriff’s Office.
  • Medical Examination (Deputy positions only), If this is required, you will receive a form which must be filled out by your own doctor and submitted to the Ada County Sheriff’s Office Human Resources. Medical exams are done at the physician of your choice, but also at your own cost.

Final Determination

Once these steps have been completed, the Human Resources Manager, Division Manager/Lieutenant, and Bureau Director/Captain give their recommendations as to who should be hired.


Some investigations take longer than others (this also depends on your rank on an eligibility list, if applicable). Generally, the time from conditional offer of employment to hire takes about 8-to-10 weeks.

Out-of State Applicants

We will make every effort possible to combine the hiring process steps to candidates living outside of Idaho. When confirming your test date or if you are called for an interview, please advise the caller that you are an out-of-state applicant so your hiring process can be appropriately prepared.


Feel free to contact the ACSO Human Resources at:

7200 Barrister Drive
Boise, Idaho 83704