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» Star police and fire fighters rescue three teenage rafters who got stuck in the Boise River last weekend

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Home > News > Star police and fire fighters rescue three teenage rafters who got stuck in the Boise River last weekend

Star police and fire fighters rescue three teenage rafters who got stuck in the Boise River last weekend

While the Boise River might appear close to normal these days and offer an enticing way to beat the heat, It’s worth it to take another look before getting in.

That’s when you notice how three months worth of flood waters deposited way more trees and debris in the river and on the banks than usual. It’s more hazardous than it appears.

Three teenage girls found that out Saturday evening when their rafts got caught up in trees on the side of the river in Star next to Coriander Lane.

The girls – two are 17-years-old and the other 15 — told Star Police a swift current pushed their inflatable rafts into the trees on the north bank of the river around 7 p.m. Saturday.

The girls were knocked out of the rafts and found themselves stuck and hanging on to the trees in the swift and cold water. (Water temperatures are in the 50s and the river is about 800 cubic feet per second above normal for this time of year).

The girls began yelling for help. Someone heard voices and called 911.

Star police and fire fighters showed up moments later. They got in the river, waded over to where the girls were, formed a chain, and moved them over to a bank where police and fire fighters helped them up.

Paramedics checked out the girls and ended up transporting one to a local hospital as a precaution. The injuries did no appear to be life-threatening.