Ada County Sheriff

» Off-duty deputy arrested on DUI charge

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Off-duty deputy arrested on DUI charge

An Ada County Sheriff’s deputy was immediately placed on administrative leave after being arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence Sunday night.

Boise Police pulled over Jason Jones after an officer saw Jones, who was off-duty, driving a personally-owned sports-utility vehicle the wrong way on Capital Boulevard, between Main and Front streets, just before 9:45 p.m.

Officers detected the odor of alcohol during the traffic stop and asked Jones to do field sobriety tests.

Jones failed one test and then refused to take any others. He also declined to provide a breath sample. A blood draw was then performed to determine if he was under the influence of alcohol and, if so, his level of impairment at the time he was pulled over.

Boise Police then cited Jones on a misdemeanor charge of driving under the influence.

A court date for Jones will be set for later this month.

The 44-year-old Jones, who was hired by the Ada County Sheriff’s Office in 2003, has worked as a patrol and civil deputy since that time.

He will remain on administrative leave until the results of the toxicology report are available.