Ada County Sheriff

» Deputies looking for whoever pushed a car into a ravine near Table Rock last month

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Deputies looking for whoever pushed a car into a ravine near Table Rock last month

Ada County detectives are seeking information on who pushed a red Ford Focus over a cliff and into a ravine near Table Rock late last month.

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Deputies began their investigation shortly around 2 a.m. Aug. 31 when a woman called Ada County dispatch to report that someone stole her car from the parking area near Table Rock.

The woman said she parked the car near the bottom gate just before midnight, closed the windows and locked the doors, and the walked up the hill with a friend to check out the view from the top of the plateau.

There were several other cars parked nearby at the time, and the women saw over a dozen people walk down the hill as they were walking up that night.

The woman and her friend spent about 90 minutes at the top of Table Rock and then walked down. When they got back to the parking area, the Ford Focus was gone.

The woman called Ada County Dispatch to check if her car was towed. It was not. So she looked around some more and reported it as stolen.

The next morning a family member of the woman found the car at the bottom of a ravine, several hundred feet below where it was parked the night before. The car was damaged beyond repair.

A tow truck had to pull out the wreckage. Deputies determined the car was still locked and what remained of the windows indicated they were closed when the car went off the cliff. The parking brake was engaged. A purse and backpack were still inside the car.

Damage to the back of the car indicated a much larger vehicle – likely a pickup truck or something bigger – drove up behind the car and pushed it over the cliff.

The women did see a pickup truck in the area when they arrived at the gate earlier that night but were not able to provide a detailed description.

Anyone with information should call Ada County non-emergency dispatch at (208) 377-6790 or send an email