Ada County Sheriff

» Four 12-year-old boys will be charged with burglary for breaking into over a dozen cars in Kuna last weekend.

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Home > News > Four 12-year-old boys will be charged with burglary for breaking into over a dozen cars in Kuna last weekend.

Four 12-year-old boys will be charged with burglary for breaking into over a dozen cars in Kuna last weekend.

At least a dozen people who left their cars unlocked in the Ten Mile Road/Deer Flat Road/Linder Road/Avalon Street neighborhood in the early morning hours of June 11 woke up to find items missing from inside.

Kuna Police identified four 12-year-old boys as the culprits. Juvenile Court charges are pending against the boys, who were caught shortly after a resident saw them breaking into a car in the driveway of his Trini Street home just after 4 a.m. that morning.

If there is one concept we here at the Kuna Police/Ada County Sheriff’s Office would like our residents to embrace above all others, it would be: lock your stuff up.

The best way to avoid being a victim of theft is to make sure your homes and vehicles are locked all the time.

People who live in the neighborhood had items taken from unlocked cars and trucks like cash, vape pipes, ear buds, flashlights, cigarettes, phone charges, and a purse in the early morning hours of June 11.

By June 12, Kuna Police identified the boys responsible and began doing interviews and finding items, including the vape equipment and liquids, that had been taken from unlocked cars.

If you live in that area and suspect you had vape equipment stolen, contact Kuna Police at 577-3860.

Officers interviewed the boys, collected evidence, and passed all the information to the Ada County Prosecutor’s Office.

There have been numerous cases over the years of people “jockeyboxing” – which means they walk through neighborhoods and check to see if cars and trucks are locked. If they are not, thieves then go through and steal anything of value.

So please remember to lock your cars, trucks — and doors to your home and garage areas.