Ada County Sheriff

» Detectives are investigating report of battery near Table Rock

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Detectives are investigating report of battery near Table Rock

Detectives are investigating a case where a woman says she was followed by two men she didn’t know before she was punched in the face near Table Rock Sunday night.

Detectives began their investigation immediately after the woman contacted us early Monday afternoon.

The woman says the attack occurred between 8:40 and 9 p.m. Sunday night near the gate down the road from the top of Table Rock.

The woman said she was walking back to her car when two men – who she described as being in their 20s and about 5 feet 10 inches to 6 feet tall — began following her.

The woman said when she got to her car door, one of the men walked up to her and punched her in the face. The woman said she yelled and pushed the man away. That’s when she said both men walked away. The woman said she got into her car and drove away.

The woman told detectives Monday she didn’t call 911 or tell law enforcement at the time because she was anxious and wanted to calm down.

Detectives continue to investigate what happened. We haven’t had any similar reports of anything like this happening in the Table Rock area.

We do want to hear from anyone who may have any information. Please call Ada County dispatch at 377-6790 if you do.