Ada County Sheriff

» Thieves go through window screens to break into two Star homes

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Thieves go through window screens to break into two Star homes

Star police are looking for whoever broke into two homes through window screens and took jewelry from inside since the end of June.

In both cases, thieves removed or cut through window screens to get into homes when no one was home.

The first break-in happened June 19 on N. Nebula Avenue (in the neighborhood north of Star City Hall) during the day when the homeowner was gone.

Someone took off a screen and then went in through a kitchen window. Thieves took a wooden jewelry box and a necklace from inside the home.

A similar burglary happened July 2 at a home about a mile away on W. Lake Rose Street, some time between noon and 2 p.m.

Thieves cut through a window screen and got into the home, where they stole some diamond earrings, other jewelry items, and jewelry box which contained some cash.

window screen cut 1

In both cases, victims said the windows should have been locked and secured. Detectives interviewed neighbors who did not notice any unusual activity at the time.

Anyone with information should call Star Police through Ada County dispatch at 377-6790.

The best way to prevent being a victim of theft is to keep your homes and cars locked and secure at all times. That means double-checking to make sure all doors and windows are locked before leaving home.