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» Innovative Ada County Domestic Violence Court profiled on Boise State Public Radio

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Innovative Ada County Domestic Violence Court profiled on Boise State Public Radio

Did you know Ada County is home to one of only three “mentor” Domestic Violence Courts nationwide?

The U.S. Department of Justice selected Ada County’s Domestic Violence Court last year to be model for similar courts across the country. That means 4th District Magistrate Judges Carolyn Minder and James Cawthon — along with their staffs and members of Ada County Misdemeanor Probation — have been sharing advice and “best practices” information with Domestic Violence courts all over the U.S. for more than a year.

The Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women says Ada County’s example to other courts plays a “vital role.”

“Successful domestic violence courts process cases more efficiently, increase offender compliance, impose enhanced penalties, and achieve higher rates of conviction. These courts require training and support, which is particularly effective when provided by peers.”

Samantha Wright of Boise State Public Radio (KBSX 91.5 News) recently spent some time getting to know the people who run and participate in Ada County Domestic Violence Court. Check out that story here.