Ada County Prosecutor
Your Ada County Prosecutor Jan M. Bennetts

04-23-2013 State v Jeffery Alan Baker-Guilty Verdict

P R E S S   R E L E A S E For Release: April 23, 2013       Contact Person:  Shelley W. Akamatsu Tessie Buttram Ada County Deputy Prosecuting Attorneys Phone: 287-7700     Jeffery Alan Baker, 53, of Boise, Idaho, was found guilty of first degree murder for the death of his eleven week old

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02-19-2013 Midwife

P R E S S  R E L E A S E For Release:             February 19, 2013 Contact Person:      Jill Longhurst The Meridian Police Department submitted police reports for review to the Ada County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office involving the birth and subsequent death of a baby at The Baby Place. The birth of this baby occurred

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1-23-2013 State v. Reynaldo Sanchez-Guilty Plea

P R E S S  R E L E A S E  For Release:         January 23, 2013   Contact Person:   Daniel Dinger/Shawna Dunn   This morning Reynaldo Lucas Sanchez pled guilty to the crime of First Degree Murder in connection with the death of his son, Adrien Sanchez. Adrien, who was almost three months old at

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