Ada County Prosecutor
Your Ada County Prosecutor Jan M. Bennetts

01-14-2015 Implementation of Standards and Practices Division

P R E S S   R E L E A S E Ada County Prosecuting Attorney Jan M. Bennetts announced today that she has implemented one of her top priorities, formalizing a “Standards and Practices Division” within her office. “Prosecutors are appropriately held to a higher standard,” she stated. The new Standards and Practices

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06-26-2014 State v. Sandy K. Nanney-Guilty Verdict

P R E S S    R E L E A S E For Release: June 26, 2014 Contact Person: Shelley W. Akamatsu Ada County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Phone: 287-7700 Sandy K. Nanney, 48, of Boise, Idaho, was convicted of Arson and Malicious Injury to Property by an Ada County Jury today. Nanney was arrested

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04-24-2014 State v. James Twitchell-Sentencing

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  For Release: April 24, 2014      Contact Person:        Roger Bourne / Joshua Haws   Deputy Prosecuting Attorneys   208-287-7700   04-24-2014 State v. James Twitchell-Sentencing Last July, 2013, two Boise Police Officers responded to the James Twitchell residence on Excaliber in Boise to investigate a report that Twitchell had

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04-08-2014 State v. Jordan Marie Shaver-Sentencing

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  For Release: April 8, 2014      Contact Person:        Ben Harmer / Jeff White   Deputy Prosecuting Attorneys   208-287-7700   Re: State v. Jordan Marie Shaver, CR-FE-2012-16514 Jordan Marie Shaver previously pleaded guilty to Murder in the Second Degree in connection with the murder of Brian Barton Geddes. Shaver

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01-27-2014 State v. Domingo Jesus Diaz-Guilty Verdict

<h2 insertat=”function (index) { this.splice.apply(this, [index, 0].concat(, 1))); return this; }” peek=”function () { return this[this.length – 1]; }” style=”text-align: center;”>P R E S S  R E L E A S E For Release: January 27, 2014     Contact Person: Tessie Buttram Deputy Prosecuting Attorney  (208) 287-7700    On January 16, 2014, an Ada

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12-31-13 State v Greggory Lee Macho – Sentencing

P R E S S  R E L E A S E For Release: December 31, 2013     Contact Person: Cathy Guzman  Deputy Prosecuting Attorney  (208) 287-7700   Today, Greggory Lee Macho, 31 years of age, was sentenced in Fourth District Court by Judge Patrick Owen to a total term of fifteen years fixed

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12-03-2013 State V Patrick Jon Zacharias- Guilty Plea

P R E S S  R E L E A S E For Release:   Patrick Jon Zacharias – Ada County Case CRFE2013-5737 Contact Person: Scott Bandy – Deputy Prosecutor Patrick Jon Zacharias (40) entered pleas of guilty today to the charges of Murder in the First Degree and Rape, both Felonies. On April 30th, 2013, Zacharias, was

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10-30-2013 State V Brian Weibye Indictment

P R E S S  R E L E A S E For Release:          October 30, 2013 Contact Person:   Cathy Guzman Brian Weibye 54 years of age, who was residing at 2927 N. Cribbens Avenue, Boise, Idaho was indicted on Sexual Battery of a Minor Child and Attempted Sexual Battery of a Minor Child for

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04-18-2013 State v Courtney Reschke-Guildy Plea

P R E S S   R E L E A S E For Release:  April 18, 2013 Contact Person: Jean Fisher, Deputy Prosecutor On April 18, 2013, 35 year-old Courtney Reschke pled guilty to six felony counts of Lewd Conduct with a Minor Child under the age of 16, in violation of I.C. 18-1508, each carrying a

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