Ada County Prosecutor
Your Ada County Prosecutor Jan M. Bennetts
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Criminal Division

Sixty-two deputy prosecutors work within the Criminal Division. During a deputy prosecutor’s first year, the caseload consists primarily of traffic, DUI, domestic violence and misdemeanor cases. Attorneys in their first year of practice will do many courts and jury trials.

Attorneys then move to the felony, preliminary hearing, juvenile or child protection, usually in their second or third year of practice.

There are several administrative positions within the office:

  • The Criminal and Juvenile Divisions are overseen by Chief Criminal Deputy Prosecutors.
  • A Screening Attorney oversees the screening and filing of felony cases. Training programs continue for all members of the office, and the Training Chief is in charge of all aspects of training.
  • The Recruiting Attorney is responsible for screening and hiring new attorneys and interns.
  • The Magistrate Division Supervising Attorney manages case flow and policies governing traffic and misdemeanor cases.
  • The Crimes Against Children and Sexual Assault Unit Supervising Attorney sets forth guidelines for the filing, investigating and prosecuting of sexual abuse cases as well as overseeing all such cases filed.
  • The Narcotics Supervisor is responsible for facilitating consistent handling of the prosecution of narcotics cases. The Narcotics Supervisor is also the point of contact for law enforcement agencies regarding narcotics investigations.

Classes, written materials, and video programs enhance the training program within the entire office. The Idaho Prosecuting Attorneys Association (IPAA) sponsors two continuing legal education seminars a year. All deputies are eligible to attend workshops at the National Advocacy Center in Columbia, South Carolina. In addition, annual grants are available for attendance at numerous National College of District Attorney’s seminars and such attendance is actively encouraged.