Ada County Prosecutor
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Home > Press Releases > 01-07-2015 Shawna Dunn Promotion to Chief Criminal Deputy

01-07-2015 Shawna Dunn Promotion to Chief Criminal Deputy

P R E S S   R E L E A S E

DATE: January 7, 2015

CONTACT: Jan M. Bennetts

Ada County Prosecuting Attorney Jan M. Bennetts announced that she has promoted long time Ada County Deputy Prosecutor, Shawna Dunn, to the position of Chief Deputy of the Criminal Division. Ms. Dunn began her career at the Ada County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office in May, 1997. She has held various leadership positions within the office, including Supervisor of the Juvenile Division and Trial Team Leader. Ms. Dunn has tried a death penalty case and handled other high profile cases.

Ms. Dunn is described by Prosecutor Bennetts as an outstanding leader, a remarkable trial lawyer and a prosecutor who is well respected not only within the office, but also by the judiciary, her colleagues and anyone who has ever worked with her. “She has touched the lives of victims who praise her for the care with which she treats them and the manner with which she handles her cases,” said Bennetts.

“Shawna has the ability and experience to do this job. I have the utmost faith and trust in her to handle her new leadership role in the same exceptional manner she handles every assignment,” Bennetts noted. “I am truly fortunate to have someone as talented as Shawna serving on my leadership team.”