Ada County Prosecutor
Your Ada County Prosecutor Jan M. Bennetts
Home > Press Releases > 04-08-2014 State v. Jordan Marie Shaver-Sentencing

04-08-2014 State v. Jordan Marie Shaver-Sentencing


 For Release: April 8, 2014
 Contact Person:        Ben Harmer / Jeff White
  Deputy Prosecuting Attorneys


Re: State v. Jordan Marie Shaver, CR-FE-2012-16514

Jordan Marie Shaver previously pleaded guilty to Murder in the Second Degree in connection with the murder of Brian Barton Geddes. Shaver met Geddes when he came to her aid after she was attacked by her boyfriend. A few months later, Shaver lived in Geddes’ house from approximately September to October, 2012. On October 16, 2012, Shaver shot Geddes in the back of the head with a stolen handgun, killing him instantly. She hid his body underneath his home along the greenbelt in Garden City. Shaver then claimed ownership of his house, cars, and other possessions, and continued living in the home for two weeks until the death was discovered and she was apprehended. She later confessed to the crime.

At the sentencing hearing, held this morning, the State recommended a life sentence, with the first 20 years fixed. Attorneys for the defendant recommended a life sentence with only 10 years fixed.

The Honorable Judge Timothy Hansen ultimately sentenced Shaver to serve a term of life imprisonment, becoming eligible for parole only after serving 20 years in prison.

We extend thanks to the lead detective, Mark Madden, and the combined efforts of the Garden City Police Department, Idaho State Police Forensic Services, Boise City Police Department, Nampa City Police Department, and the Ada County Sheriff’s Office, for their combined work investigating this case.

We likewise extend our condolences, once again, to the family and friends of Brian Geddes.

Please respect the Geddes family’s need for privacy at this time.